Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Preps

Today will be a day filled with cleaning and decorating. Tomorrow we are having our family dinner at my house. We usually have at my Mom's, but now that Gracie-Jean is bigger and into everything and anything its easier to have it at our house. I'm doing a little at home photo shoot with Gracie-Jean later today. It isn't going to be as easy as last years. I put her in a basket last year with a beautiful Easter dress and some bunny ears, I used a Easter table cloth for the background, worked out really well. This year is a little tricky, she doesn't sit still for long so it is going to be a bit of a battle I think. She is a very busy little girl, go go go. My Mom always gets a giggle out of it because I was the same way when I was a child, she says its Karma lol Lucky me, these days I'm wishing I was a bit more of a lazy child, Gracie-Jean is like the energizer bunny. I wish I could bounce out of bed in the mornings like she does with that kind of energy. Mine doesn't seem to appear till after my first dose of caffeine lol She naps in the afternoon, I will be sad to see those naps go. She went from three naps down to one. Im not ready for no naps yet! I hope everyone has a great Easter and thank you for reading my blog!


  1. lovin those photos,,,

  2. Such a sweet name for such a sweet little one. Great blog. I'm here from Debbie's party and happy to be your newest follower. Stop by for a visit sometime.

  3. Thanks for joining me. Please add my link or button to your post:) thanks!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog Kim :) I'm looking forward to checking out your blog as well :) And also thank you Debbie for being so helpful!
