Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter and Painting the living room with a toddler

Gracie-Jean had so much fun exploring her Easter Basket yesterday morning :) It was so fun to watch her picking up things and trying to decide what they did and of course what she could eat! Since she is only 18 months I didn't want to give her too much chocolate, just a taste, I hid cheeses the Gerber kind, in the plastic eggs that Nana bought for her. That was a hit! She loves them so much! She did get a taste of some chocolate, and she didn't quite know what to think of it. She loved her bucket and sand shovels the best out of everything she got (Thanks Nana)

I'm in the process of redoing my kitchen and living room. The plastering has begun. You never notice how many nail holes or dents you have in your walls till you begin doing this, it seems endless! My kitchen is pretty much ready to be painted. Doing this with a toddler is no easy task! I'm very fortunate to have such a great friend who is helping me through this process. I'm so grateful since I do not have the slightest clue of what I'm doing lol Gracie-Jean also helped, she had her plastic shovel and bucket and was scraping the wall like she was plastering too :) It was too cute lol I can't wait for the painting to begin, my walls look so bare and kinda like they have the chicken pox at the moment!

Debbie doos blogging and blabbing Newbie Party

I'm a little late on posting this but better late then never. I met a very helpful and sweet lady Debbie who came up with the idea of having a Newbie party on her blog, Debbiedoos blogging and blabbing What this meant was if you were new to blogging you could meet others who are too and get your blog out there for more people to see. Her blog is so well done and you could literally spend hours reading it :) So far I have made one new friend by doing this and hope to meet more :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Preps

Today will be a day filled with cleaning and decorating. Tomorrow we are having our family dinner at my house. We usually have at my Mom's, but now that Gracie-Jean is bigger and into everything and anything its easier to have it at our house. I'm doing a little at home photo shoot with Gracie-Jean later today. It isn't going to be as easy as last years. I put her in a basket last year with a beautiful Easter dress and some bunny ears, I used a Easter table cloth for the background, worked out really well. This year is a little tricky, she doesn't sit still for long so it is going to be a bit of a battle I think. She is a very busy little girl, go go go. My Mom always gets a giggle out of it because I was the same way when I was a child, she says its Karma lol Lucky me, these days I'm wishing I was a bit more of a lazy child, Gracie-Jean is like the energizer bunny. I wish I could bounce out of bed in the mornings like she does with that kind of energy. Mine doesn't seem to appear till after my first dose of caffeine lol She naps in the afternoon, I will be sad to see those naps go. She went from three naps down to one. Im not ready for no naps yet! I hope everyone has a great Easter and thank you for reading my blog!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Time..

Gracie and I went shopping today. I think Easter shoppers are just as crazy as Christmas shoppers. The stores were so full of people trying to find the best Easter candies and toys. There is so much more variety of candy then when I was little. I love making Easter baskets, its so much fun filling them. I have always made one for my nephew and now I have my own little one I cant wait till she gets a little bigger and is excited about the Easter bunny and Santa all of the fun holidays.

I found this really neat Easter craft online, using old silk ties to dye your eggs. Here's the link to the site its a great site..

A really neat way of decorating your eggs and less mess then using the regular egg dye kits. The eggs turn out so pretty, and all different.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Going to try this again

My first attempt at blogging didn't seem to go so well so I'm back and ready to try again. My Mother has inspired me, she has made a beautiful blog that I'm so proud of and I thought maybe I would dive back into the blogging world.

An update.. My daughter is now 18 months old and has become quite the chatterbox. She has grown so much I'm really starting to miss the baby stages. It seemed as tho as soon as her feet hit the ground and took those first few steps its been all a blur.

Attachment parenting is my parenting style. I never planned on it but it happened naturally and I never fought it. I could never get my daughter to sleep in a crib, so we have been co sleeping since the beginning. Which I was so shocked on how many people had a opinion on this, and negative at that. I can remember in the beginning when she was only a few months old, so many people kept telling me what a mistake I was making letting her sleep with me. I personally think its the best choice I could have made. I was always afraid to talk about are sleeping arrangements cause I knew what people were going to say. Which is terrible now that I look back on it. I just didn't believe in letting her cry it out in her crib, she would cry till she threw up and I just did not see the benefits of this. I'm not bashing parents who choose this method but its not for me.

After months went by I had decided to embrace attachment parenting and was proud of my choices. I did research on the computer ( what would we do with out google) and was so overwhelmed with joy to see there were so many positive benefits from co sleeping. I found so many other parents with blogs who were doing the same thing and I felt so much more empowered! I am now diving into more natural parenting ideas, no processed foods, natural products and I really love it. I would love to meet other Moms out there doing the same thing.