Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter and Painting the living room with a toddler

Gracie-Jean had so much fun exploring her Easter Basket yesterday morning :) It was so fun to watch her picking up things and trying to decide what they did and of course what she could eat! Since she is only 18 months I didn't want to give her too much chocolate, just a taste, I hid cheeses the Gerber kind, in the plastic eggs that Nana bought for her. That was a hit! She loves them so much! She did get a taste of some chocolate, and she didn't quite know what to think of it. She loved her bucket and sand shovels the best out of everything she got (Thanks Nana)

I'm in the process of redoing my kitchen and living room. The plastering has begun. You never notice how many nail holes or dents you have in your walls till you begin doing this, it seems endless! My kitchen is pretty much ready to be painted. Doing this with a toddler is no easy task! I'm very fortunate to have such a great friend who is helping me through this process. I'm so grateful since I do not have the slightest clue of what I'm doing lol Gracie-Jean also helped, she had her plastic shovel and bucket and was scraping the wall like she was plastering too :) It was too cute lol I can't wait for the painting to begin, my walls look so bare and kinda like they have the chicken pox at the moment!


  1. thats so sweet,, she's helping with her little shovel,,,you are lucky to have that friend,,

  2. this blog its great,, they have a tagback tuesday feature that looks like lots of mommy fun,

  3. love those fish!!
